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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 25 September 2013

George Perez Health Issues

I've heard a few ridiculous rumours after forumns mentioned George Perez was suffering "serious health issues" so let's get things straight.

Artists get various problems due to spending long hours under different lighting conditions and having to focus on fine line work. The artist Ronald Giles (better known only as "Giles") drew cartoons for the Daily Express for many years. His eye sight got quite bad and even with very thick lenses it was reported he had to get close to see things.

Perez is a diabetic (not sure whether Type I or II) and he has undergone surgery for diabetic retinopathy -its why I get my eye screening each year.   George has had lazer and needle treatment on his left eye (for some reason artists seem to allways get problems with the left eye!) and he has reported on his Face Book page that he may have to eventually have surgery on the eye.

I'm sure that all fans of George and his work will wish him as good a recovery as he can get...he hasn't finished drawing yet!

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