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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 1 September 2013

The "****s!" Of A Collector Robbed!

As everyone ought to know by now, I am a huge fan of the comic character Mykros. French but I got into this series when it was published in German by Bastei.

I had a good few of these but after discovering how many comics had gone missing (been stolen) by visitors over the years I checked my German comics. A few of the German The Phantom issues are gone, some French comics but, on top of everything else, a huge chunk of my Mykros books.

I think I only needed 8 to complete the run. Checking, I found I now had issues 4, 11 and 15.

The Bastei Phantom (Lee Falk)  comic I now only have issues 232 and 233.

As I said before -my fault. But I'll never trust a comic "fan" again.

Anyway, hopefully, this coming week I can show you some odd Russian Tarzan comics (yes, some of those were stolen too) that I like.

Put a padlock on your long boxes!!

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