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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Planet Jimbot: Amazing & Fantastic Tales#

Amazing & Fantastic Tales#2.

Pulp gets a modern twist with comic strips and text stories combined.  Featuring, ‘Last Champagne': Space, the final frontier, but it's all flat champagne.  ‘The Last Posse’: Wyatt Earp gathers up a posse of famous characters from the Wild West, including the Cisco Kid, Geronimo and Belle Starr.  ‘Kroom’: where a mysterious alien falls from a portal in the sky; what does he hope to find; what is he escaping from?  ‘The Roustabout’: more horror, suspense and mistaken identity on a wind-swept oil platform.  Finally, ‘Point Blank’, which asks how does an ordinary man stop a speeding bullet?

All Planet Jimbot titles including Amazing & Fantastic Tales#2 are available from UKOnDisplay:

Alternatively contact Planet Jimbot direct on:
Jim Alexander's publishing debut came as writer of CALHAB JUSTICE and JUDGE DREDD for Judge Dredd Megazine.   He has also written for DC (BIRDS OF PREY, BATMAN 80 PAGE GIANT), Marvel (MARVEL MILESTONES) and Tokyopop (STAR TREK MANGA). 

Two comic strips written by Jim have been adapted for TV as part of 'METAL HURLANT CHRONICLES'.  KING'S CROWN - drawn by Richard Corben - appeared in Season One and WHISKY IN THE JAR starring Michael Biehn & James Marsters has just recently been shot for Season Two.
Currently scripting EDEN for Dark Horse Presents and GOODCOPBADCOP for Rough Cut Comics. He has formed a new publishing company called Planet Jimbot and is co-creator and writer of AMONGST THE STARS, GABRIEL, WOLF COUNTRY and AMAZING & FANTASTIC TALES.


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