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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 13 January 2014


Dump #2
Writer: David Robertson. Artist: David Robertson, with 5 one page stories drawn respectively by Stephen Boyd, Damon Herd, Donna Law, Neil Paterson and Keara Stewart.
Publisher: Fred Egg Comics
Format -book size: 6”x9”
whether full colour or black and white: Black and White (with colour cover)
page count: 60
cost: £1

The title Dump serves as a description of the book - a collection place for different comics I've done; and as the name of the main story, whose main character works in a council dump. "Hey, Joe..?" is a story about a driver trying to remember the name of an actor. "History of E-Mail and the Internet" is presented in 4 pages. I have 5 different one page stories written by me, with art by 5 others as listed above, on topics such as coleslaw, cycling, parties, rain and voting. There is also a 24 hour comic called "Everything".

This is actually a nice little package and £1 for 60 pages???? That is crazy, but that's just me.  The quality of printing is great and, hmm, why is that cover design so familiar?

Now, this was an enjoyable and fun read and although I cannot say any artist in particular leapt out of the page at me this was a true Small Press publication.  Saying it is Small Press is NOT insulting the creators involved -in the UK the Small Press is, after all, the grass roots comics industry.

And for £1.00 -how can you complain?  "Dump" reminded me somewhat of a strip you might find back in the 1980s in something like Knock Yaself Out Comix and "Hey, Joe?" was interesting. If asked, yes, I'd recommend this and it might inspire others to have a go at self publishing.

All together a great little book.

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