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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 23 January 2014


 [Stephen Mooney signing Half Past Danger]
Stephen Mooney will be signing our exclusive bookplated hardcover edition of HALF PAST DANGER at the Forbidden Planet London Megastore on Wednesday 5th February from 6 – 7pm!

History meets Prehistory in this two-fisted race against time.
Summer, 1943, and in the midst of a war waged by monsters, Staff Sergeant Tommy 'Irish' Flynn never expected to encounter a real one. But on a remote island in the South Pacific theatre, Flynn and his squad come face-to-fanged-face with creatures long thought dead!
Stephen Mooney is an Irish illustrator working in the fields of Comic Books, Animation and Video Games. His credits include the New York Times best-selling Joss Whedon's Angel and his current hit creator owned series, Half Past Danger, both for IDW Publishing. Stephen resides and works in Monaghan, Ireland with his wife.
Forbidden Planet is the largest store of its kind in the world. Some of the biggest names in SF, Fantasy and Cult Entertainment have come to our London Megastore for events, including Jonathan Ross, Kevin Smith, Sam Raimi, Guillermo del Toro, John Landis, Terry Gilliam, Christopher Lee, Simon Pegg, William Gibson, Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett, and Stephen King.

For more about our signings please go to:

[Stephen Mooney signing Half Past Danger]

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