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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Michael Douglas Is....Ant Man????

He's a good actor but, seriously -WHAT????!!!

According to

Michael Douglas Cast In 'Ant-Man' Movie As Scientist Hank Pym

Michael Douglas has landed himself a role in upcoming superhero movie Ant-Man in which he will reportedly play scientist Hank Pym. The award-winning actor's genius character creates the technology used to shrink people to the size of ants.
Michael Douglas
Michael Douglas Is To Star In The New 'Ant-Man' Movie.
The intriguing news from Marvel comes hot on the heels of Douglas' win at the Golden Globes this week where he won for his portrayal of Liberace in Behind The Candelabra. "I've been dying to do a Marvel picture for so long," said Douglas, via BBC Newsbeat. "The script is really fun, the director is really good. Dylan [the actor's 13-year-old son] will love it. He'll have a picture he can see."

Douglas will star alongside the already-confirmed Paul Rudd, who will play Ant-Man and his alter ego Scott Lang. His character Dr. Pym first appeared in the 27th issue of Marvel Comics series Tales to Astonish which was published in January 1962.

Michael Douglas Golden Globes
Douglas Will Play The Genius Scientist Hank Pym.
End of Watch star Michael Pena has also reportedly been offered a role in the movie.

Other than the comic book stories, there's little news of the movie's plot or further casting details as of yet. In the original stories, Dr. Pym was the first Ant-Man but successors including Lang took over the Ant-Man mantle when they adopted the technology for themselves. Lang became Ant-Man after stealing the technology to save his daughter from a heart condition. However, with the encouragement of Pym, Lang takes on the Ant-Man role full time and renounces his life of crime.
Paul Rudd
Paul Rudd Will Play Pym's Ant-Man Successor.
Directed by Edgar Wright ('Shaun Of The Dead,' 'Hot Fuzz'), the movie is set for release in 2015 and will face stiff competition from the other action films set for release around the same time. The most notable of which being Avengers: Age of Ultron and Batman Vs. Superman.

Along with The Wasp, Ant-Man was one of The Avengers founding members but it is not known whether both story threads will be interwoven for a later movie.

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