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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 29 November 2016

Cinebook The 9th Art Delays -The Company Is Still There!

Yes, the last Cinebook The 9th Art book reviews were back at the end of September/beginning October.  No, Cinebook has not gone out of business and is not preparing to take business back to France after Brexit (as far as I know and am told).

You do know they have a web site you can check?  Face Book page? You can ask them things.

There is a big delay as owner Olivier Cadic is involved in French Senatorial duties and travelling. Things seem to be about two months behind at the moment. This does not bode well.  M. Cadic has been quite vocal and open about French EU citizens getting their businesses back to France after Brexit and, yes, he is busy with his political work.  However, I think a few of us thought that the comic album publishing business was handed over to someone else. Comics take second place to a busy political schedule and when company supporters hear nothing (I receive no responses to emails sent to  M. Cadic these days) you can bet rumours will start.

So if you've read the various comments made by people on 'forums' -ignore them.  They know far less than I do.  I do understand Cinebook fans get worried though!
Image result for cinebook the 9th art

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