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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 24 November 2016

My Pull List Has Almost Vanished -So I'm Buying Independent

Looking in the local comic shops made it clear that prices were getting beyond me. I used to get 4-5 Marvel and 5-6 DC comics each week on my pull list but I'm down to 1 Marvel and two DC comics. I love comics but even the Image comics are getting too expensive.

So what to do? Well, I decided to look over the Black Tower online store. I kept thinking "I need to buy at least one book to try" but getting a free copy of The Hooper Interviews I read that then forgot.  The "Other Guy" as I like to call him, could probably do with sales right now so I took the plunge.

There are 90 books -some are sets combined into trades later such as the Golden Age stuff. But I took that plunge and bought The Independents and The Collected Ben Dilworth books. Both arrived the sixth day after ordering which surprised me and they came in a good, sturdy cardboard book box.
The Independents
The Independents left me somewhat speechless. I can't believe it has never sold a copy (until I ordered a copy!). Tall Trees (The Other Guy rates Paul Brown and I can see why), Autopsia and a selection of Ben Dilworth work made it worth the pain of buying!  I did think Hooper's Go-Bo Explains Einstein was a little out of place but then realised it was the perfect humour ending to the book.  The kids thought Go-bo was hilarious.
The Collected Ben R. Dilworth
The Dilworth Collection I was a bit dubious about. Like the stuff in The Independents but an entire book?  As Dilworth is another creator The Other Guy pushed a lot on CBO I wondered how biased it might all be?  Okay: yes. This is very good.  I've seen some of his old zine work but this was great fun. Monday I'm ordering The Dark Night Detectives!

You can see the full list of Black Tower books on the online store.  Never see these in comic shops not at events so it was a bit of "kid in candy shop" time.  Also, you get far more pages for your money -which I liked!

Of course, if you are outside the UK then the pound sterling fall makes buying cheaper.

Now to read the latest Batman Beyond and see if it stays on the pull-list!

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