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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 5 April 2019

A lot of re-thinking needs to be done...

This is amended from a Black Tower Comics & Books Face Book post yesterday.

Unfortunately, Face Book does not tell you where those viewing your page come from. You think as a world-wide social media they might do that.

However, I do know that Bulgaria, Romania, Russia,India, Germany, France provide some views and to that can be added Canada, United States...just remembered that Philippines, Singapore and Taiwan and China provide views.  In other words...the Black Tower FB page gets international views.

Looking at visits to Comic Bits Online today I know that the most views (top 10) have come from:

United States
Unknown Region

The UK is in fifth place but generally tends to be in 7-9th position so that, although the all time views from the UK  (207,787-) is impressive the USA has provided 1,307,119 views and China (2nd place) 1,128,615 views,

The total all time views are
United States 1,307,119
China 1,128,615 (Blogger/Google stopped including views from here 2 years ago)
United Kingdom 207,787
France 167,788
Russia 154,159
Ukraine 108,214
Germany 81.147
Poland 20,780
Bulgaria 18,122
Romania 13,338

UK views have dropped while those from countries such as the Philippines and Europe are rising. When you look at the figures -at least when I do- I have to ask whether concentrating on the UK is wasting time?

I have published posts on comics from most of the countries listed because I had information or an interest and it was NOT intended to draw in views from those countries.

Remember Blogger screwed up and lost (somehow) a couple million views and the actual number of views is around 8 million (because of business and political as well as other reasons the Peoples Republic of China and non-Google systems are excluded from the views stats) but I am only going by the official Blogger stats (Google Plus lost the three million views when it went through its 'upgrade' a couple years back. Even so there were 1000 plus views per month –again, only registered if readers were using a Google approved system!

Perhaps concentrating on the non existent UK comics 'industry' is good for nostalgia but not if you want to promote and sell books? Certainly with a world wide readership it makes sense for publishers, etc., to use CBO to promote its books and merchandise as there is an already existing core of readers as well as a large number of casual readers.

That Small Pressers in the UK do not take advantage of CBO for promoting their books no longer surprises me (ditto the Zine Zone blog which gets high hits every week but no one sends in review books).  But we have a big world of comic related entertainment from gaming, movies, books, t-shirts and action figures.

Titan Books (though they have been quiet a long time), Cinebook the 9th Art, Carlton, Random House, Casterman and a number of other companies have seen the benefits of using CBO.  Perhaps others ought to think about that?

Whatever, a lot of re-thinking needs to be done.

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