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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 1 April 2019

Views, Non-Reviews and a Comic the UK

Pretty quiet here today! You might think that some company might be interested in paying to promote products or at the least send more items in for review.

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Titan books has been rather quiet of late but space should have been filled by some reviews of Small Press books,  Guess what?  After a month none of the books has turned up...does not surprise me really.
Oddly, I was reading a small press forum someone sent me a link to.  The chat was how no one reviewed the books some of these people published.  It was unfair.  It was ignoring the small press and therefore -as one person put it- "suppressing our creative output".  
Someone then asked "Who do you send your books to for review?".
I did laugh. Several thundered in with "We don't send the books out to anyone!" And there then followed much foot stamping as it was explained that would involve posting off copies -that was money out of their pocket and then there was all the "hastle"(sic) of having to go to the post office.
It was quite a long thread and there must have been much hipster beard brushing going on. But there was one point that not one person even hinted at.
If you do not send out review copies or tell anyone about your books how do you expect your books to be reviewed or even heard of outside of your small group of friends? I have heard this same whining and moaning for 30 years and it never changes.  Foot stamping and annoyance that no one has come running to buy and review their book!
Now, although I do not promote UK events but Richard Anthony Pester is attending an event this week so well worth mentioning it.

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