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Please consider supporting Comic Bits Online because it is a very rare thing in these days of company mouthpiece blogs that are only interested in selling publicity to you. With support CBO can continue its work to bring you real comics news and expand to produce the video content for this site. Money from sales of Black Tower Comics & Books helps so please consider checking out the online store.
Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 9 April 2019

It's a Revellation! But Don't Get Too Excited....

Just wanted to check and see whether the social media I use IS actually viewed.

Looking at my Twitter account. Rare enough.

8,772 Tweets

27 followers (who they are says a lot)

13 Likes (out of 8,772 Tweets!!!)

My Tweets have, I am told and I have no idea what this means, "earned 5.7k impressions over the last 28 days" -anyone care to explain?

That the 27 followers include friends of certain "nice guys" does not surprise me since I know my FB as well as Twitter is monitored by these people -hey, they are welcome.
Impressions I am guessing are views?

Seems to be 5-7 thousand each 28 day period

Dec  2018   5.4k

Jan 2019    7.2k

Feb 2019    3.8k

Mar 2019    5.8k

Apr  2019    1,3k

Which is...bear with me...23.5,000 since December and we are only onto the 9th April. I have been "Tweeting" since 2011 and that's roughly 1 million plus views of Tweets. Thing is that  you can only go month-by-month on Twitter rather than get a grand total but it seems similar periods of four months yield the same or much higher results.

So WHY is Twitter not helping sell books because it shows people ARE checking out my Twitter account --Terry Hooper Scharf@blacktowercg

It's all a mystery to me!

When it comes to Pinterest (Terry Hooper Scharf) there are 3,886 pins from CBO there. 18 followers but according to Pinterest analytics views etc are higher than on Twitter.  Again -why is this not helping to sell books?

The final all time count for Google+ before they killed it was 5 million views.  Nope, never sold books via that either!

This spur-of-the-moment check proves one thing and that is how wildly Blogger daily stats are.  The actual number of daily views should be somewhere around 3-4,000.

Perhaps advertisers and publishers ought to get in on the CBO act!

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