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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 29 April 2019

Cinebook the 9th Art Newsletter 136 - April 2019

Dear Reader,
This month we're all about exalted leaders – of the villain persuasion. Some might even pass as super ...
Starting with Lucky Luke's newest opponent and temporary Dalton ally: Dunkle the Prophet, a man with breathtaking megalomania and, unfortunately, a real gift for recruiting people to his cause. Especially the weak minded – and who has a weaker mind than Averell Dalton? Witness now the inevitable chaos!
Next, in Mermaid Project, we follow Romane's training with her new and rather extraordinary partner, and their mission to infiltrate a suspicious corporation's headquarters. What they will discover in there definitely has a supervillainous vibe to it ...
And then there's the ultimate example in terms of supervillain, the final word in the matter – or at least the final letter: Z! In this direct follow-up to The Clockmaker and the Comet, Spirou and Fantasio may have to time-travel a bit more and deal with a terrifying prospect: in the future, the Z rises again!
April with Cinebook: yep, definitely super!

Lucky Luke 73 
Morris & Nordmann
The Prophet
Returned to their penitentiary by Lucky Luke for the umpteenth time, the Daltons meet a troubling character: Dunkle, a self-proclaimed prophet fond of fiery speeches. His continual preaching eventually converts the ever hapless Averell. Soon, all five escape together ... Read more

Mermaid Project 2 
Simon & Leo & Jamar
Episode 2
Now attached to French intelligence, Romane is training hard with agent El Malik and Delph, a genetically modified Dolphin with extraordinary mental abilities. The goal of their coming mission: to infiltrate the premises of Algapower, the company at the heart of their investigation ... Read more

Spirou & Fantasio 16 
Janry & Tome
The Z Rises Again
Back in the present after their adventures through time, Spirou and Fantasio try to pick up their life where they left it. But the magazine refuses to publish Fantasio's account of their extraordinary journey, and he falls into depression. Until, that is, the bizarre and annoying Snuffeller reappears... Read more
Distant Worlds 3
Episode 3

North-American readers, to locate a comic book shop near you that stocks or can order these titles and many more, us this handy Read more 

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May 11 & 12, 2019: Cinebook will exhibit at the Toronto Comic Arts Festival, Toronto Reference Library, 789 Yonge Street, Toronto, Canada

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