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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 28 October 2019


Authors: Frédéric Zumbiehl; illustrated by Gil Formosa
Age: 10 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages:  48 colour pages
Publication: July 2019
ISBN: 9781849184564 
£6.99 inc. VAT
Despite the assistance of Japanese Counter Intelligence Agent Suki Nishiwa, Buck and his friends were unable to gather solid proof of tycoon Yamasaki and Lady X’s plans to trigger a war between China and the United States. The only option they have now is to intercept the stealth jets during their attack run on the Chinese carrier – and theirs. But with Lady X flying the Spectres, and a typhoon coming, can they do it?
Just look at that cover! I read the old Buck Danny stories in German years ago and although we have the same characters the stories and art are worlds apart.  The old stories are still great but these new ones -excellent.
I never give away any spoilers and I think the cover blurb says all you need to know going in. There are some tense moments and twists -spoiler: the "stupid ginger" gets shot!! Whatever I wrote would be bland compared to what is inside this book. That incredible cover gets surpassed a few times by the interior art and I read this at 0200 hrs and then looked through the art again -twice.
"They don't do proper war comics anymore" or "there are no real military action comics now" are pointless remarks and shows that those people have NOT been keeping up with comics. I also feel I'm being insulting by calling this comic book art!
In case I'm keeping you guessing for far too long -recommended!!!

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