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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 28 October 2019

Cinebook the 9th Art BILLY & BUDDY 7 - BEWARE OF (FUNNY) DOG!

Authors: By Roba
Age: 8 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
Publication: July 2019
ISBN: 9781849184571  
£6.99 inc. VAT
Life with Buddy is always full of adventures and the unexpected. Daily life and special occasions, summer or winter, at home or on holidays … The little devil always finds a way to spice up his humans’ lives – starting with Billy’s. But take a cocker spaniel to the mountains and add an old Saint Bernard friend, and better hold on to your seat – especially if you’re the long-suffering dad!

Very difficult to keep your sense of humour as your laptop keeps breaking down but...

Billy and Buddy are quite fun and the series is readable by youngsters or oldsters and when it comes to the absence of comics for youngsters Cinebook fills the gap to over-flowing. Kids of my generation and right up until the 1980s had weekly comics that entertained but got us reading. Books like this also encourage youngsters to try out their drawing skills and apart from all of this the books are good, escapist fun.  And in this day and age kids need some of that.

Billy and Buddy are stand alone  books so everything is self contained and no need to spend a lot of cash on 1-6 to follow volume 7! A selection of the Cinebook younger reader titles would make a great extra Christmas present -rather like the old comic annuals used to be.

Always recommended!

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