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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 28 October 2019

Cinebook Ltd Newsletter 142 - October 2019

Dear Reader,
If you're not keen on the return of colder and rainier days, how would you like to see several seasons in one month, mmh?
For example, our third volume of The Complete Lucky Luke is clearly spring, a time of flowering - as Morris's own graphic skills finally encounter the writing genius of René Goscinny, ushering in a golden summer of pure brilliance. Three episodes and a whole album's worth of extra material for your delight.
Can Gomer Goof be anything other than summer? A time for having fun, enjoying nature, lazing around … for basking in the sunlight coming in through the hole in the roof your last invention made? Even if he is perfectly capable of creating a disaster in ANY season!
Finally, Yakari will take us to the land of winter, far to the north where even the wolves and birds are white, for a journey of exploration among creatures unknown to any Sioux - and to many of us.
October with Cinebook - good reading weather!

Gomer Goof 5
Goofball Season
Gomer is absolutely peerless when it comes to disrupting life at Spirou Magazine, much to his boss Prunelle's and long-suffering Mr De Mesmaeker's chagrin. But don't you go underestimating him! ... Read more

Lucky Luke
Morris & Goscinny
The Complete Collection 3
This third volume in the collection brings us to the very edge of absolute greatness, with two later, far more mature solo outings followed by the first collaboration between Morris and Goscinny, that would usher in 30 years of a legendary collaboration... Read more

Yakari 17
Derib & Job
The Snow Bird
One day when heavy rains force them to play inside, Yakari and Rainbow are startled by a strange sound. To their amazement, it's followed by their whole tipi suddenly taking off and flying straight north, with them inside!… ... Read more
Blake & Mortimer 26
The Valley of the Immortals, Part 2
We Will Never Forget You

North-American readers, to locate a comic book shop near you that stocks or can order these titles and many more, us this handy Read more 

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