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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 2 December 2019

Update: The X-Men & the Avengers join forces for GAMMA QUEST!

Update: The X-Men & the Avengers join forces for GAMMA QUEST!

By Greg Cox
Pages: 576
Published: 21 January 2020 (US) 21 January 2020 (UK)
Dimension:  8.00" x 5.13" (US)  198mm x 130mm (UK)
US/Canada $14.95
UK/Rest of World £9.99

The X-Men—mutant protectors of a world that fears and hates them. The Avengers—Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, the greatest super-team ever assembled.
When the Scarlet Witch of the Avengers and Rogue of the X-Men both disappear under mysterious circumstances, each team’s search leads them to more questions than answers. Desperate to recover their missing teammates, they must join forces to uncover the truth. But their efforts will bring them up against a foe with the deadliest power of all: to make them turn on each other!

6th December
I received my copy today and discovered why I was unaware of this Avengers  I just don't bother keeping up to date with them and X-Men storyline. It also explains why there is no artist credit.  This is a novel and I simply do not review novels on CBO especially almost 600 pagers -I just do not have the time.
You see Marvel is publishing omnibus collections of comics so, as there was no indication that this was something different, I accepted a review copy.  Omnibus means a series of previously published stories gathered together in one volume -this was an original novel.
I did a scan through and it seems well written though a couple passages had me confused (but since every Marvel character has been killed and rebooted so many times-they'll change again before year out).

If you are an Avengers or X-Men fan then, yes, for completists, this is one to get. Sturdy and well produced and as far as I know the last Avengers novel was in the 1967 -The Avengers Battle The Earth-Wrecker, by Otto copy is on the shelf.

So if you want a book to read before bedtime, on the way to work, during lunch -why not give it a try?

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