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Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 7 February 2020

Every Day Is Like Friday

I had to check my blog dashboard for something yesterday and did a double then triple check of the stats...

Usually the Black Tower blog gets 35-75 views a day. Yesterday it shot up to over 400. Today is looking similar. Comic Bits Online  saw views rise by treble (usually 1000 or so views a day). Most of the views come from the United States followed by countries such as Germany (always in the top five views provider), France, Russia, Ukraine and so on.

All I can write is "THANK YOU" and "Do you know I have an online store?"

Someone in Canada purchased two books so THANK YOU.

Things also went down hill. My online bank, uh, 'lost' £30. Long story and if I had a choice I would find another bank.

Quite by accident I discovered that someone who had purchased a copy of my British Golden Age reprints book had taken strips from it and published in their own book. Every page I reprint is marked in a way only I know so when I saw the preview pages online and found the book had been selling I was angry then just shrugged.

Another person is using my scans (uncredited) for their talks and then I found other instances. Thieves everywhere in comics.

To top it all of my neck was in painful spasms all night so no sleep at all.

I really wish I could retire.

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