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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 27 February 2024

Let The Facts Be Known!


Let me address something which often gets repeated by others, and might put me in a bad light. Back in the 1990s I used to go on business to London at least twice a month -Marvel UK, Fleetway, etc.. So I know all the BS being claimed by certain editors and their hangers on in the 2020s is just that: pure bull-shit. 

Anyway, I was chatting to someone who used to be on "the Board" at Fleetway and he told me about a certain incident that got back to them within 24 hours: "We had a huge laugh that you held that Marvel UK editor out of his office window!"  Allow me to explain the situation.

As someone popped into the office quickly then left was I holding the front of a certain editor's jumper? Yes, I was. Was that editor "partly" out of the window? Yes he was. Was that editor alive when I left the office? Yes he was. There. Everything clear?

Now another rumour that even got into a fanzine at the time; I threw a rather obnoxious and up his own arse zine publisher into the Thames. No. No I did not. Did someone hold me off from smashing up a very well known British writer who has done work for Marvel and DC after he stuck his obnoxious now bald head into a private conversation to lecture me about a joke? Oh yeah. That happened and that was after an initial first meeting at a UK convention where he was extremely rude to me and Ben Dilworth had to make sure he was sat between us.

Believe me I could be a real Alan Moore if I wanted to be but I tend to view these people as insignificant and move on.

Those are the facts and I left out Karen Berger for whom I had the utmost respect -especially with the crap she was hearing from UK creators!

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