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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 9 August 2012

Cinebook The 9th Art: SPOOKS vol. 2 – Century Club

Authors: Dorison, Nury & Rossi
Size: 18.4 x 25.7 cm
Number of pages: 56 colour pages
Age: 15 years and up
Publication: July 2012
ISBN: 9781849181297
Price: £6.99 inc. VAT

Important personalities have been dying or going crazy. Investigator Morton Chapel and his men discover that they are on the trail of an ancient evil, something dating back to ancient Babylon and brought back to life by a British occultist.

As the dark magician leaves a trail of corruption throughout the country’s ruling elite, the Spooks realise that the threat is directed at the highest level of government—and only they can stop it.

Now that is a very stylish cover. Simple in design but very effective.  As for Jupiter Cromwell…he really shoulda stayed and gotten that enema.

The story by Dorison and Nury is well paced and the characterisation excellent. The twists and turns worthy of Van Hamme!  And the art –and colour work- by Christian Rossi does not disappoint.  From the street scenes (below) to archaeological dig to the nitty gritty street life –all spot on.  There is murder –bloody murder- as well as a shoot out in the streets and even a shoot-out involving an early automobile!

You know, Hollywood is dead when it comes to new concepts and one day someone there is going to read Spooks and go “oh wow. Movie!”

Gripping and great to look at…several times!!!

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