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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 30 August 2012

Skullkickers #18 Features Stories by Top Indie Creators

Anthology issue of Image Comics series features top talent
cover of Skullkickers #18Jim Zub’s SKULLKICKERS is a cult hit, thanks to its hilarious writing, vibrant art, and, well, ample skull-kicking. The Image title has so much monster-bashing and face-smashing that it simply can’t be expressed by one creative team. So, with SKULLKICKERS #18, some of independent comics’ best and brightest will be pitching in with stories of their own in the latest “Tavern Tales” issue, a collection of short stories.

Included in the mix are John Layman and Rob Guillory (CHEW), Justin Jordan and Tradd Moore (THE STRANGE TALENT OF LUTHER STRODE), Blair Butler (HEART), Charles Soule (27), and J. Torres (Teen Titans Go!, Batman: The Brave and the Bold).
The spotlight is on Aubrey Sitterson and Ivan Anya, however — the creative team won the SKULLKICKERS Tavern Tales contest and will have their short story featured in SKULLKICKERS #18.

“We put out the call to fans of Skullkickers or any creative comic creators at all — submit your Skullkickers short story ideas or submit a two-page sample of artwork based on a sample script we had posted at,”explained series creator and writer Zub. “With over 300 entries, it was incredibly difficult narrowing it down to one writer and one artist, but in the end Aubrey Sitterson and Ivan Anya popped to the top of their respective groups and their short story collaboration is going to knock people out!”

Sidle up to the bar, order an ale, and get ready to hear some tall tales! SKULLKICKERS #18 (JUL120516) will be in stores on September 26 and can be pre-ordered now.
sample page of winning Tavern Tales story
A page from the winning story by Aubrey Sitterson and Ivan Anya

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