But I really needed to see for myself and until DC and Marvel realise that I am the only voice in UK comics that anyone listens to* and sends me review books -I had to buy.
The first title I picked up was Comedian. I was told by the guy in the shop that the Comedian is sent to “kill or something this gang leader” -this turned out to be Moloch! The young (who have obviously NOT read Watchmen!).
J. G. Jones’ artwork is superb. Can’t fault it. However, the passable story by Brian Azzarello…I’m guessing he never read the original Watchmen and never saw the movie. SPOILER
At the end of the first issue we see Moloch crying at the news that President Kennedy has been assassinated. Equally glum Comedian. But it was the Comedian who assassinated Kennedy!!!!
Weakish story but great art.

Now, I’m sort of “so-so” when it comes to Darwyn Cooke’s artwork but he does capture that sort of Silver Age US comics feel -and I know he’s a big fan of those. I can appreciate the art and the story -but I’m still “so-so” on the story. Over-all, though a good comic.

Now, for reasons that those who know me will understand I have a soft-spot for Owl men! Nite Owl was one I really wanted to get. Like a lot of J. Michael Straczynski comic work I was just not grabbed by the story. It was a let down.
But there was a major saving point: the art. Andy and Joe Kubert produced some classic comic art that I’ve looked at several times since buying this title. The colouring work by Brad Anderson is spot on and adds to the art.
Story disappointing, though.

Silk Spectre is written by Darwyn Cooke and its not too bad story-wise. The art by Amanda Conner is nice and I liked it. No problem there.

The question, however, has to be: is the series worth it? Well, if you like collecting just nice artwork, yes. Although the stories are competently written, they do not add anything to the original Watchmen serieswhich told it all.
Notice I’m not even mentioning Crimson Corsair the buccaneer back-up strip. I was not a fan of the original piratical intrusion into Watchmen and the fact that this is a “you want all the story buy all the titles!” con.
I’ve read through the other titles in the shop because I was not going to spend more money on them! Have you ever noticed how comic shop owners glower at you when you do that?
Nothing has impressed me more than the artists involved. Let’s face it, this was DCs big idea to take well liked characters and make lots of money out of them without having to pay the creators of the original series -Moore signed the contract so he can’t complain.
So, “great art”!
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