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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 1 December 2013

Graphic Classics Sale -Ghosts, Cowboys & Killer Dolls

…Seven Classic Stories and Poems to Make Your Holiday Season Brighter.

During the month of December(only) Eureka Productions is pleased to announce that Christmas Classics: Graphic Classics Volume 19 will be on sale on the Graphic Classics website []. (only). List price is $17.95. Special sale price is only $10!

presents comics adaptations of both holiday favorites and rarities, featuring Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol". Also included are an early F. Scott Fitzgerald tale, an O. Henry western, a fairy tale by Willa Cather and a yuletide horror story by Fitz-James O'Brien. Plus a seasonal Sherlock Holmes adventure by Arthur Conan Doyle, Clement C. Moore's classic poem "A Visit from St. Nicholas", and a letter from Santa Claus to Mark Twain's daughter. All orders will also receive two free Graphic Classics Christmas Cards!

The Graphic Classics series presents the works of great authors in comics adaptations and heavily-illustrated text. The adaptations are written at an adult level, and utilize as much of the author’s original language as possible. Our goal is to create books that are enjoyable for adults, yet accessible to children ages twelve and up. Graphic Classics are available in bookstores and comics shops nationally. Resellers can order from Diamond Book Distributors, Baker & Taylor, Ingram, Follett or other distributors.   

“Instead of a cozy, Santa-y cover, we confront a seriously creepy image of the enchained Marley’s ghost and a cowering Scrooge from Dickens’ A Christmas Carol… A welcome addition to the all-too-sparse holiday-themed titles.”
— Martha Cornog, Library Journal

“The adaption of “A Christmas Carol” is well scripted and wonderfully drawn and fits in well with this anthology… the Graphic Classics line has always been superb both quality and price wise and this just has to be a future Christmas classic book that will be purchased as long as it is printed.”
— Terry Hooper, Comic Bits Online

“Santa Claus, Scrooge, Sherlock Holmes and a serial killer don’t really sound like they belong together under one cover, but as each one stars in a classic tale of Christmas literature, they go together surprisingly well in this latest edition of illustrated tales from the folks at Graphic Classics… Just in time for the holidays, it should make a nifty stocking stuffer for readers young and old.”
— Marc Mason, Comics Waiting Room

CHRISTMAS CLASSICS: Graphic Classics Volume Nineteen
Edited by Tom Pomplun
Published October 2010, Eureka Productions
Distributed by Diamond Book Distributors
(ISBN 978-0-9825630-1-4)
144 pgs, 7 x 10", paperback, full color, $17.95 $10 ONLY IN DECEMBER!


The Graphic Classics series:
GRAPHIC CLASSICS: EDGAR ALLAN POE / Volume 1 (978-0-9825630-0-7)
GRAPHIC CLASSICS: ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE / Vol. 2 (978-0-9746648-5-9)
GRAPHIC CLASSICS: H.G. WELLS / Volume 3 (978-0-9746648-3-5)
GRAPHIC CLASSICS: H.P. LOVECRAFT / Volume 4 (978-0-9746648-9-7)
GRAPHIC CLASSICS: JACK LONDON / Volume 5 (978-0-9746648-8-0)
GRAPHIC CLASSICS: AMBROSE BIERCE / Volume 6 (978-0-9787919-5-7)
GRAPHIC CLASSICS: BRAM STOKER / Volume 7 (978-0-9787919-1-9)
GRAPHIC CLASSICS: MARK TWAIN / Volume 8 (978-0-9787919-2-6)
GRAPHIC CLASSICS: R.L. STEVENSON / Volume 9 (978-0-9825630-3-8)
HORROR CLASSICS: Graphic Classics Volume 10 (978-0-9746648-1-1)
GRAPHIC CLASSICS: O. HENRY / Volume 11 (978-0-9746648-2-8)
ADVENTURE CLASSICS: Graphic Classics Volume 12 (978-0-9746648-4-2)
GRAPHIC CLASSICS: RAFAEL SABATINI / Volume 13 (978-0-9746648-6-6)
GOTHIC CLASSICS: Graphic Classics Volume 14 (978-0-9787919-0-2)
FANTASY CLASSICS: Graphic Classics Volume 15 (978-0-9787919-3-3)
GRAPHIC CLASSICS: OSCAR WILDE / Volume 16 (978-0-9787919-6-4)
SCIENCE FICTION CLASSICS: Volume 17 (978-0-9787919-7-1)
GRAPHIC CLASSICS: LOUISA MAY ALCOTT / Volume 18 (978-0-9787919-8-8)
CHRISTMAS CLASSICS: Volume 19 (978-0-9825630-1-4)
WESTERN CLASSICS: Volume 20 (978-0-9787919-9-5)
POE’S TALES OF MYSTERY: Graphic Classics Volume 21 (978-0-9825630-2-1)
AFRICAN-AMERICAN CLASSICS: Graphic Classics Volume 22  (978-0-9825630-4-5)
HALLOWEEN CLASSICS: Graphic Classics Volume 23  (978-0-9825630-5-2)
NATIVE AMERICAN CLASSICS: Graphic Classics Volume 24  (978-0-9825630-6-9)

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