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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 31 May 2014

A Line Drawn.....

There comes a time when you have to say "Enough is enough!"

Of course, there are people who totally ignore you when you say this because:

(1) They pay absolutely no attention to what I write on CBO so long as their books get publicised.

(2) 'Obviously' THEY are excepted "because"

(3) There is no reciprocal loyalty

Let me put this into context.  I have written, since the old WordPress CBO that unless a blog carries a reciprocal link to CBO (ie: CBO has a link to their site so they MUST put a link to CBO) their blog link is deleted.

Companies tell me: "Oh, we cannot possibly do that or we would have to list every other blog -even if they would not bother supporting us until we became cool!"  Now, Archie Comics is a prime example. I'm not going into it but long time CBOers know the history.  You push and promote a company and what it publishes -even beyond your blog and that company becomes "cool" and when you ask why you've heard nothing for months you are told "Yeah, no more books to review -printers won't send them out. Must have left you off the news list" then that is pure bull-shit.

Printers won't send out "complimentary books" (that the company pays for!) so the company will not?  That's just saying "Hey -you supported us now **** off!"

And 'forgetting' to send out news.....please.

So, why no link to CBO on their site? "We just couldn't possibly do that -we're a company we can't just list 'blogs'!"

Then you do reviews of company books or books from individuals. Your reviews are forgotten, put under some other blogs name (for which I took the full flak!) and so on and so forth. Now, you might think individuals would add a link to reviews of their books on their blogs?  Very few do.  Ask them to mention your latest book...."Mention YOUR book?? I can't, I don't know you well enough to do that!!" That's when I usually say "**** you!"

Face Book: people 'Friend' you.  Now, if I friend or accept a friend request I check out that persons FB page to find out about them and check any web site listed.  When, after being a 'friend' for 3-5 years someone writes: "Oh -do you write comics?" or "I had no idea you drew comics!" or the best one: "I have over a thousand friends on FB and I do not have the time to check out their postings!" (that is usually followed by an explanation that they block most incoming up-dates from 'friends').  They want to be your friend to promote their latest book and screw you!

The up-shot of this is that I have "unfriended" a large number of 'friends' and the purge continues.  I am also starting to delete ANY blog link that does not have a reciprocal link to CBO.  Some have already gone. 

I have seen so much two-faced 'friendship', seen so many lies and accusations (from people who have NEVER met me) that I have drawn the final line.  Whether you are a slimy little arse-licker in the Midlands or in the North of England: you are next to nothing to me. 

I am not the "comic village idiot" who you can just use when you like.

As for the arse-licker slimes -I'll be dealing with you.

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