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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 12 May 2014

That Barred Expo, Casterman BD and Captain Marvel

Right, I need to address some queries so I'll get the easiest out of the way first.

I have nothing to do with the Bristol Comic Expo. I have not even (for reasons already given) publicised the event this year. And I cannot see me changing that stance because disrespect and rudeness are things I do not care for.  So, if the expo was "s****" or a "crappy little dive" I don't care -CONTACT THE ORGANISERS NOT ME.

Did you notice I was screaming that?

Next "Why no Casterman BD reviews?"  The problem with reviewing is that if a person or company decide they no longer want to send you books to review then that is up to them.  The Casterman books got the highest number of hits and -AND- I know for a fact that the reviews resulted in sales -as I've heard from some of the buyers.

Sad but nothing I can do. Last batch of review books arrived in January.

Also, if you read the post Chilling GhoulishTales Of Terror From A Budding Wannabe Publisher! I mentioned how I did a deal regarding certain books.  At the time I was only sent black and white photostats of the pages to the first issue of MF Enterprises Captain Marvel (I was supposed to "source" the rest). It's all here:

Well, I have now completed my run of the series -all four Captain Marvels and 1 and 2 of Captain Marvel Presents The Terrible 5.

Yes, I am happy.  Yes, I did shout out "SPLIT!" but nothing happened.  What?? Ahh, well, it is my intention to write a posting about these 1960s gems.  An article that will not be brief like any others on the subject you might find on the net. And, above all else, I will not be slating them as junk or rubbish or banal. I think the series and characters deserve better but there are so many snooty effete comic people out there who are a waste.

So, stand by....Captain Marvel is on his way!

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