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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 3 January 2019

Bloggers are welcomed into 2019 by a messed up system

I was asked by a fellow blogger what problems I was getting regarding views and stats. This demonstrates and I checked this 3 minutes ago.



And it has been like that for a while or so and even the world map is blank -it should show grades of green building up to dark green for most views from that country.

Basically, blogger is now providing pointless and useless stats -rather like Google+ is. I had someone check "via the back door" and he says CBO is getting very high views each day but they are not showing -it seems systems not using Google are ignored and so are countries Google seems to have a gripe with. China does not show up at all any more and that started when Google were trying to force the PRCs hand over systems to use.

Views up to 16.30 hrs (UK time) stand at 350 officially but actuality -2,300 views.

I am ticked off that it took from 2011 -2018 to build up over 7 million views and after a year of messing up most of its stats, blogger wipes millions off the total number -exactly what its owner Google did with Google+ and that has driven many bloggers from Google+ and Blogger.

What a mess.

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