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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 3 January 2019

This URL appears to be blocked in China...hmm, but is it??

Well I just checked and this is what I got. Considering CBO keeps away from politics and it and I have promoted Manhua since the 1980s you might think it would be exempted.  I mean this is ME for goodness sake!! Don't they know who I am???  Unbelievable. I am a leghend. A king of comics and self piss-taker of international proportions!

Yes, in China. And Google restricts access to some of its business services (like YouTube, Gmail, Blogger, Maps) in certain countries or regions, such as Crimea,CubaIranNorth KoreaSudanSyria and almost all Arab countries. Somewhere, YouTube is banned and somewhere Gmail.

And for CBO:
Beijing - Not Working in China

Shenzhen - Not Working in China
Inner Mongolia - Not Working in China
Heilongjiang Province - Not Working in China
Yunnan Province - Not Working in China
This URL appears to be blocked in China.
But can we actually say that it IS blocked in China??
Hmm. Yeah, okay. Its blocked.

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