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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 2 January 2019

What Books Am I Reading Tonight?

Well, one can only try to sell and promote books 23 hours of the day so I decided to do some reading. Apart from having to check two toy soldier catalogues and finding them not to be a good complete guide as quite a lot was skipped over I decided to browse some trades/graphic novels.

I was reading James Dale Barry's Ball Lightning and Bead Lightning: Extreme Forms of Atmospheric Electricity but, well, comics is comics, right?

The first book was Colour Me Bad: Stress Out, Colour In, Deface, Obliterate  and this has a sizable contribution from Paul Ashley Brown that I had forgotten about.  Probably some of the best pages in the book, in fact.  Also the book can still be found on Amazon.  Worth checking out.

The other book was Love & Rockets The Covers -a present from the aforementioned Mr Brown.  Nice big book and all of those covers collected together are a big treat.

And to that I can add Gilbert Hernandez's Marble Season which I believe was a gift from Mr Northall.

There are other books I am looking at and I may end the day by reading the Planetary Omnibus -which I saw reviewed by former comics blogger Koestenbraunstar and mentioned by Ghost Critic so I was kind of 'forced' to buy it!

What are you reading tonight?

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