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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 2 November 2013

Cinebook The 9th Art: Orbital 5- Justice

Authors: Sylvain Runberg & Serge Pellé
Full colour
56 pages
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Age: 12 years and up
ISBN: 9781849181723
Price: £7.99 inc. VAT

Publication: October 2013

Following the Kuala Lumpur incidents, which almost prevented the Human-Sandjarr reconciliation ceremony from being held, the situation on Earth is increasingly tense. The mood has turned ugly, resulting in attacks against aliens and assassinations of isolationist personalities.

Meanwhile, the circles of Confederate powers are afire with political manoeuvring, and Mezoke is on trial for high treason, a convenient scapegoat. But when the judges request that Caleb be brought out of his regenerative coma to testify, the Sandjarr agent’s loyalty is put to the test...

Runberg.  That’s all you need to know as far as the story and writing is concerned. Runberg stands for “excellence”!  And we have waited so long for this new volume!

And Serge Pelle…I have an original Pelle Orbital sketch in one of the earlier books. Just bragging.  Pelle is an incredible artist and his imagination produces great visuals –such as that cover!

When you combine the two creators you know you are in for a cracking good story and great art and, as things seem to be getting worse and worse on Earth (and elsewhere) we get to that final page…”ANGUS IS IN ME!!!  What am I talking about? Buy the book and find out.

Action, conspiracy and fighting all the way

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