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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 10 November 2013

Stransky -OUT! Labatt -OUT! Dilworth -OUT! Who Is Left? Oh. Me.

Allrighty.  Let's cut the confusion out. I do have some Stransky & Labatt work for Black Tower I think the problem is that Stransky has had a "misunderstanding" with Labatt -he's walked away from so many collaborators and companies over disagreements in the past I should not be surprised.

For various reasons Ben R. Dilworth has had to stop working on projects including the new D-Gruppe one.  There is still quite a back inventory of his work so he will not just vanish.  So, take care, Ben.

This all means that Black Tower has had to tighten up shop.  Adventure ended volume 2 with issue 10. So that is currently on hiatus while I work on major projects such as Green Skies and all the strips that need to appear before that. This at a time when I was trying to cut back on artwork.

Green Skies SHOULD still appear next June so keep an eye open for up-dates.

All a bit disappointing as projects involving The Bat (McQueen) and a certain other Bat are now shelved. Also shelved is the Krakos-Bat cross-over.  Basically, until Green Skies is completed, Black Tower Super Heroes will be the main publication that is in any way regular -thanks to the inventory of strips to hand and the generosity of IPC Media.

So, as publishing-editor, it's a pain in the bum for me but...this is comics!

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