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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Titan Books: The Art of Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag


The Art of Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag
Paul Davies
Illustration detail: Colour illustrations throughout
Dimensions: 301 x 228 mm
ISBN: 9781781169032
Publication date: 29 October 2013

The recently announced Assassin’s Creed® IV Black Flag sees a sea change for the game franchise with a harsh new setting in the Golden Age of pirates. With intricately detailed environments and finely honed and evocative historical re-imaginings, The Art of Assassin’s Creed® IV Black Flag  includes the game’s vast nautical game play, and its amazing range of locations, characters and action.

The Art of Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag (Limited Edition)

There is a limited edition you can see more details and order here:

  2. Presented with two signed art prints by game artists Martin Deschambault and Vincent Gaigneux
  3. Features a variant cover of the dust jacket and a specially designed slip-case, unique to this Limited Edition
  4. Limited to 500 copies worldwide
  5. Official tie-in to Ubisoft’s Assassins Creed IV Black Flag game featuring concept art and designs from the game creators

 The quality of production and packaging here is of the highest standard -it's something Titan Books is getting a reputation for.

The figures, clothing and weapons all shout "Golden Age of Pirates"  and the figure to the left is very "Steam Punk", dont you think?  The clothes, as noted are incredibly well rendered and the weapons are almost like a reference guide.

And the buildings...breath-takingly rendered and I've checked those pages over and over since I got this book yesterday.  The landscapes -all the work of true artistic talent.

Then we have the ships and ports.  The ships are just exquisite.  I wish I could reproduce all of these images. 

It's a fantastic reference book which is not what I expected. I saw the first chapter looking at the futuristic ABSTERGO interior/exteriors I thought "nice but--" In this case, on continuing reading the book I paradise.

This book is a work of art and if you are into pirates, gaming or just an art lover this book is definitely for you.

I cannot recommend it enough. A joy to get in the mail.

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