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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 25 November 2013

Family Guy kills off major character

Yahoo News carries the story that will shatter everything you ever knew. Dogs will die. Dogs will live. Nothing will ever be the same again...

...or was that a comic book??


Replaces long-running character with Sopranos star.

Brian Griffin was sensationally killed off in last night's episode of 'Family Guy'.

The Griffin family's dog, voiced by show creator Seth MacFarlane, was run over by a car in the episode called 'Life of Brian'.

Show bosses had revealed that a character would be killed off prior to air, but few expected it to be such a pivotal part of the long-running cartoon show.

Brian has featured in every episode of the show since its launch in 1998.

In the episode, baby Stewie was unable to save Brian's life following the road traffic incident after he took apart his time machine.

But rather than letting viewers grieve for the departed hound, Brian was quickly replaced by a new family dog.

Called Vinny, the new dog was dubbed 'a pooch with attitude', and is voiced by actor Tony Sirico, best known for his role as Paulie 'Walnuts' Gautieri in 'The Sopranos.

Of the decision, the show's executive producer Steve Callaghan told E: "This was an idea that got pitched in the writers room and it sort of caught fire, and we thought it could be a fun way to shake things up.

Can I just add -it's only a cartoon.

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