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Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 14 September 2015

Rodney Dearth and his amazing Iron Warrior by Ben R. Dilworth

Dedicated to that old Swan comics stalwart and creator of what was (up until the 1970s!) the most violent and bloody comic strip going -the Iron warrior!

Here. Dilworth present a British Golden Age weekly comics style adventure -Dinner!


  1. Thanks for putting these up, Terry. I hope people like them... certainly I, Pierre and Ben put enough effort in... the rhyming was so hard ! If people want to see more Iron Warrior and add a comment or two.. we'd be happy to oblige: comments please !

  2. You are dreaming there! There is a core of 5 (?) commenters on this blog -asking for comments is like asking people to buy books!
