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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 9 March 2017

Baby Groot....rhymes with "puke" and the new Thor Ragnarok images...where's that bucket...

I did predict that it would not be long before Di$ney cuteness got into the Marvel movies and we had "Baby Groot" -oh the merchandising!! Oh the $$$$$$$$!

So, Thor was NOT the comic book Thor I grew up with. BUT I enjoyed the movies. Now Thor is a crew cut gladiator.  Was looking forward to Thor Ragnarok but NOT a two sword wielding gladiator rip off (and please DO NOT have him put the two swords in "on the back scabbards" which is ridiculous).

Cate Blanchett as Hela is the only thing attracting me to this movie. I always say "wait and see" but the images released.....thumbs down.

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