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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 17 July 2018

act an ass you get treated like an ass

Let me explain something to you.

If you announce book deletions and then get a couple of comments "Oh. I was going to buy those books, too!" You know two things for certain:

1) the person writing that comment had NO intention of buying a copy of the book. He is an arschloch.  7-10 years a book was online and 'really' got him interested but "meh". Right. Arschloch.

2) the person writing that comment gets a life long ban from commenting. They can visit the blog but never comment again.

Most publishers who delete books get 2-3 of these comments every time.  Could well be the same person commenting three times under different names. I once called the bluff of such a person: I offered the book that was deleted that he "really, really wanted to get" at a 50% discount. Nothing. I got in touch again -post free. Nothing.

Be aware: act an ass you get treated like an ass.

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