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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 17 March 2024


 Author: Serge Le Tendre & Frédéric Peynet

Age: 12 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 72 colour pages
Publication: September 2023

£12.99 incl VAT

ISBN: 9781800441156

Theseus, prince of Athens, awakens injured and bound inside an unknown hut. Facing him stands his captor – a mighty, bull-headed man! There, at the centre of the labyrinth built by engineer Dedalus for the king of Crete, Minos, Theseus is astonished to discover that the blood-thirsty monster that the legends describe is in fact a rational being named Asterios, who begins to recount the story of his life. Between the young Athenian sacrifice and the feared creature, grudging respect emerges … 


For some reason I was expecting some sword and sandles rubbish but what I read was the sad story of the minotaur, a character I first read of at school in one of the mythology books tucked away for a rainy day.  What I got to read was a rather touching story of how the minotaur, Asterios, came to be and the troubled life he led until exile and crossing paths with Theseus.

The story was touching and the end a real choker but inevitable and sad.Le Tendre's writing is something I am going to be watching out for in future -as I will Peynet's art.

I never expected to write this but I highly recommend this one. 

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