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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 6 March 2024

Tower Tales of Terror Special 2024


From robotic alien invaders dealing with ancient barbarians (or barbarians dealing with them), Dene Vernon Ghost Investigator, The Iron Boy (seriously), Cast Iron Chris, Ingy Roob, Bring 'em Back Hank, Devil Fish Treasure, The Iron Warrior and much more. It's special -there you go!

Oh and did I mention there is a beautiful colour cover by none other than the great Richard Anthony Pester? Well I have now!

80+ pages £8.00

Once I have seen the proof copy and it';s approved I'll post out links.


  1. Looks cool, sounds like cool content....something I'd enjoy reading ! Black Tower ! Where else are you gonna find comics like this ? TTFN

  2. How do I get copies to you -the ICN School?

  3. I'm still at the school - for a while yet. Let's hope it goes on.... I've been enjoying the Fantastic Four animation marathon you've put up- a lot of them, I've never seen before ! The 60"s seem to have been a cool ( and weird) time for cartoons ! Well, TTFN Terry, and hang loose !
