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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 21 March 2024



Author: Vincent Brugeas, Yoann Guillo and Ronan Toulhoat

Age: 12 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 56 colour pages

£10.99 incl VAT

ISBN: 9781800441163
Publication: September 2023

Having defeated his former brothers-in-arms of the Commonwealth of Poland and Lithuania, the Winged Hussars, Karlis accompanies his new companions to the Sich, the Cossack parliament. Before long, he is faced with the harsh reality that not all Cossacks want him to join their people. Indeed, while his exploits have made him a hero to many, they have also made him into a prime target for jealousy, frustration and ambition …

Nope. I just cannot get into this. I read through it and put it to one side then read again after a few days and again about an hour ago. The art is okay and there is some great colour work going on here but even though well written it isn't grabbing me. It's not as if I do not know the history of that period or about Cossacks in general but...

I may read book 1 and 2 again to see if that helps. I was slightly more positive in my review of the first book so maybe I am just "going through a phase" -I have no idea. It's a decent read.

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