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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 16 March 2024

Cinebook Ltd: BEAR'S TOOTH 5 - EVA


Authors: Yann & Alain Henriet

Age: 12 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages

ISBN: 9781800440876£8.99 incl VAT
Publication: September 2023

Nazi Germany is collapsing, and the noose is tightening around Fürtenstein Castle, rear base of the Amerika Bomber project. Even as the last SS special forces set up the guidance elements for the intercontinental bomber, more and more ground and bases are yielded to the advancing Soviet forces. Anna, once a fanatical admirer of the Führer, is increasingly forced to face the terrible brutality of the regime she’s defending. Meanwhile, Werner makes contact with a resistance cell …

I have to be honest and write that I don't really care as much about this series now. Do not get me wrong the story has plenty of plot and sub-plots and they are well written. The art is as good as you can get and this book is no exception.  So why am I no longer caring? Publishing schedule.

Bear's Tooth volume 1 came out in 2019 and we got two volumes. Okay, covid got in the way in 2020 but volume 3 appeared in February 2023 and volume 4 in September 2023.  I even had to go back to volume 1 to see why the title is Bear's Tooth. I am asking myself if I am going to live long enough to see volume that the last volume?

But let's look at it from the point of view that you like well written and excellently illustrated war comics then this series is for you without the slightest doubt and you can buy books 1-5 straight away with no delay as they are all in stock.  Book 6 should not be that far off so for you as a comic fan there is none of that "reviewer's angst" of waiting then panicking to try to remember what you read five years ago. Hey, I'm getting old and can't remember what I had for dinner yesterday (actually, just remembered what I had so ignore that sentence..I can't take the physical effort of deleting it all).

Getting the books now puts you at the advantage of no waiting and once you get into the book you will get hooked. Probably one of the best World War Two series I've read in a long time.

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