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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 16 March 2024



Authors: Rosinski & Sente

Age: 15 years and up
Size: 18.4 x 25.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages

£7.99 incl VAT

ISBN: 9781849184946
Publication: October 2023

Jolan, having triumphed in the trials set by his new master Manthor, is now the Chosen One. At last his true mission is revealed: no less than storming Asgard in order to restore the immortality of Manthor’s mother, a goddess who was cast out! 

While he leads his army of rag dolls to the realm of the gods, Thorgal follows the trail of the Red Mages who kidnapped his other son, Aniel, the child he had with Kriss of Valnor.

First book out of the box and I saw the cover and thought "ooh". The story is obviously going to be good because Sente does not mess. There is the intrigue, sly and crafty dealings and, of course, the risk should Jolan fail.  Would you be any more curious if I told you the red haired figure to the right on the cover is...Loki?

I read through this and it was as exciting as the first books of mythology I read back in school and that says something. The book practically wreaks ancient mythology and what adds to it is Rosinski's as usual perfect artwork and the battle of Ten Giants at Loki's command and the Rag Dolls at Jolan's was lovely. It cheered me up anyway.

Oh. Thorgal, right. He is almost an incidental character here though the quest to find Aniel is no less gruelling (but not as mythological!).

Every time I think this series is going to settle into something not too exciting -the story adds more and the art (that cover should be a poster) draws you in. For me it's 10 out of 10 all the way.

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