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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 17 March 2024



Author: Jean Van Hamme & Philippe Berthet

Age: 12 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 64 colour pages
Publication: October 2023

ISBN: 9781800441170

£11.99 incl VAT

1965. The growing financial empire of the Winch family is now in the hands of Nerio, Tom’s young son. And Nerio, who stands barely above five feet, whose schoolmates always despised because his only friend was the son of his African-American nanny, whom women never so much as looked at … thirsts for power. Meanwhile, back in a Montenegro now under the boot of Yugoslav dictator Tito, is born little Danitza, great-great-grand-niece to one Vanko Winczlav …

November 2022 was when volume 2 was published. I saw "3" on the cover and could not remember a damn thing about it (do you know how many comics, comic albums and graphic novels I read in a year??). Luckily, my old review are there:

book 1

book 2

And just in case anyone is wondering, yes, this is the story of Largo Winch's family. It may be a little too much "talking heads" for some people as I notice general comic readers do not like a lot of dialogue that makes a story flow. However, there is some action so that ought to satisfy. The art is good and the story flows well and is something that may explain the whole Largo Winch inheritance/world to curious readers of that series.

Again, as I mentioned in another review my "reviewer's angst" does not affect others because you can but 1-3 right now and enjoy the read and it is enjoyable.

Oh...I include a link with the reviews to the Cinebook page because if you buy from there the company gets the money and that helps keep the books flowing.  Please if you want to order any Cinebook title go to their site -they are lovely.

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