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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 23 August 2013

Kult Creations: Loxley -Honour Among Thieves

Kult Creations (Alchemy Texts)

John Short (writer)

Blake O'Farrell (Art

US size

Black and white



orderable from the Kult Creations site:


New on-sale on the blog we have 'Loxley: Honour Among Thieves'... my take on Robin Hood, produced ten years ago under the Alchemy Texts imprint. Written by me and illustrated in black and white by Blake O'Farrell... it takes a bloody, violent, grown-up look at the British outlaw. WARNING CONTAINS SWEARING, NUDITY AND VIOLENCE.

And, oh yes, a guy gets his eye taken out with a red hot iron, decapitation, stabbed in the face with a sword and more.  What was the Reverend John Short thinking??  This is quite fun and I have heard of the book before but not seen it.

Kult Creation books tend to sell fast so if you want a copy of a rare warehouse find -GET TO IT!!


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