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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 21 August 2013

You Tube Vlogs!!

There are You Tube Vlogs/channels I always check out each day for anything new.

The first is Captain Strange Life more fun from a VERY serious comics/pop memorabilia collector. Almost the "daddy" of the online comic community. 

 The second is Hippys Collectables

 This guy just says it all. Chillax and enjoy the comics you buy. A great laid-back style but a lot of info.

The third I'm new to but once I got the hang of the accents (hey, like mine is sooooo great) I found fun so why not just check in with Mark and Chloe?


Comicbookgirl19 and, uh, Robot 

Comicbookgirl19 and her "robot" hinderer can be fun and is another vlog I try to follow. 

B3Comics With Matt and Kirk

I've already mentioned these guys and they give good rundowns on what is happening in the Marvel and DC comics universe.

There are other vlogs but too many pretentious poseurs out there.  These comickers are serious but very down to earth AND they don't mind having fun. So....

Check them out!

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