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Please consider supporting Comic Bits Online because it is a very rare thing in these days of company mouthpiece blogs that are only interested in selling publicity to you. With support CBO can continue its work to bring you real comics news and expand to produce the video content for this site. Money from sales of Black Tower Comics & Books helps so please consider checking out the online store.
Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 18 August 2013

Overseas Publishers /editores de ultramar/Overseas Uitgevers/Übersee Verlage


Black Tower Comics für Europäische Verlage suchen, um seine Bücher unter Lizenz in Europa zu veröffentlichen. Publishers Interesse kontaktieren Sie Terry Hooper.

Noir Tour de comics est à la recherche pour les éditeurs européens de publier ses livres sous licence en Europe. Les éditeurs intéressés communiquer avec Terry Hooper.

Zwarte Toren comics is op zoek naar Europese uitgevers om haar boeken onder licentie in Europa te publiceren. Uitgevers geïnteresseerden contact op met Terry Hooper.

Negro Tower cómic está buscando editores europeos de publicar sus libros bajo licencia en Europa. Los editores interesados ​​contacto Terry Hooper.

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