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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 8 August 2013

Why It Is Some Times A MAJOR Pain To Be A Publisher

Since 2009 I have been publishing using as a print on demand service (POD). I currently have 70 or so books on the online store.

Lulu has decided that it does not like cheaper, lower page count books -it isn't making enough money (REALLY??!!).  So, because of this is is getting rid of saddle stitching (stapling) and increasing the number of pages of the basic book.

It is killing the small comic publisher -but lulu keeps doing this.

I now have to re-work on 30+ books then re-upload them. I have to add pages, combine books and then change cover style to Perfect Bound.

The alternative is that "retires" those books -you just will not be able to buy them. Five years work *****.

I have no idea why the company just does not say "no more comics"

So everything -EVERYTHING- now has to go on hold as I try to find old files.

And there is no better alternative?

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