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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 18 November 2014

" it was one publisher (thrown in the Thames) and one editor was...."shown" the Thames but not thrown in.

This is an extract from an article that I was asked look over.  I can't say which magazine it is (for obvious reasons) but the editor would not include this unless I confirmed it -for legal reasons. "Deleted" refers to a person being interviewed.

"(deleted) refers to Terry Hooper (Scharf) who had a reputation for strong-arming editors and publishers who were not paying creators.  On one occasion (deleted) recalls: "I walked into Dave's office at Marvel UK and this big bearded guy was holding Dave out the window and all I did was walk back out when he barked 'He may be here to deal with you in a minute. Go!' So I went."

There is also reference to my throwing several publishers into the River Thames -I need to point out it was one publisher and one editor was...."shown" the Thames but not thrown in.

If you were conning people I represented as an agent or even me (yeah. Right) then you were a crook. I had a short fuse for crooks back then.

Please, if you are going to write things about me then contact me for the facts.

As soon as I get details of the magazine and when it's out I'll post a link.

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