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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Mark Gatiss Gives Sherlock Special Hint

Mark Gatiss: Next Sherlock is very special and tremendously exciting - but may not be at Christmas

Press Association - Mark Gatiss co-created the Sherlock TV show with Steven Moffat
Sherlock star Mark Gatiss has revealed fans may not have to wait as long as Christmas 2015 for the next instalment of the hit show.

Martin Freeman let slip in an interview in the summer that the next time he and Benedict Cumberbatch would be returning as detective duo Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson would be for a Christmas special next year.
But Mark, who co-writes the show with Steven Moffat as well as starring as Sherlock's brother Mycroft, has told the Radio Times a seasonal special doesn't have to mean Yuletide.

Mark said: "It will be finished, of course, by the end of spring [but] when they show it is entirely down to the schedulers. It would fit as a Christmas special but there's no guarantee of that - they used to show the Mike Yarwood [Christmas] Show in the summertime."

He promised: "it's a very special special, and we're all tremendously excited about it."

While the League Of Gentlemen star was reluctant to give away any more details, he admitted that with dedicated Sherlock fans sharing everything on social media, he is not expecting their filming locations to remain secret for long.

Mark said: "It's pretty close to shooting now. It won't be long before people see enough to get their teeth into."


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