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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 22 January 2018

D-Gruppe. Germany's First Super Heroes and my Interview Today....with someone

When you have a headache and have had a very bad -worse than usual- two weeks the last thing you need is someone on the telephone speaking to you in German.  I had no idea what was going on -Germans, please, like my mothers family, do not speak so fast!

Anyway the caller was Dietar or Dieter and was doing a feature on comics in Germany. I assume he is based in Germany but my head stopped me asking sensible questions.  Anyway, he was interested in how interest in super heroes had increased in Germany -I pointed him to the various CBO articles showing German US reprints of the past.  He then told me that he had a copy of the German TV, fantasy, movie and comic fanzine Watcher in which D-Gruppe had its first officially published story in 1986/87.

If Dietar/Dieter reads this I am sorry but email me!  Any how, he mentioned a certain creator and character and the claims of creating the first German super hero (he's American so you probably know who I mean) and that before him there were no German comic cons.  I was not going to comment on this in case it was a "let's start a creator argument in the newspaper" trap.  Been there. Done that. I pointed out that the man was fully aware of D-Gruppe and that I had sent him a summary of pre-2014 German comic cons and links.  He doesn't accept it -tough.

So, I was a bit snappy and asked what the point of the call was?  He told me that "several people in German comics" had told him about myself and D-Gruppe and that I had written a lot about German comics history.  This led him to find Watcher and he asked if I was aware that I had created the first true German super heroes and group?


Anyway, I took a deeeeeeeeep breath and we talked. He ended the conversation happy. I ended it with pain killers.

He has permission to use images from me and as I started writing this I realised that I never asked for whom or which publication he was writing.

I am now going to rest and if he reads this -email me the details please!

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