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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 21 January 2018

Oh Little Minds

I run a couple of Face Book groups and the rules are  -it is made very clear- that they are designed to discuss certain aspects/publishers.  The rule has always been that it is not a selling site since a couple people before were ripped off and because I owned the groups I got not very happy members.

However, if a member checks with me before posting an item for sale I allow it.  So when Dan Dillon posted that he had some comics for sale straight onto the page I pointed out that he needed to check with me first.  His response was (I've censored bits):

Dan Dillon Miserable old c**t no wonder this page is dead. I bet you get hard when you ban me

Of course, Dan is a coward and realised that I could report his post so what he did, without reading the response from me before posting this, was to leave the group.  You see, that way he would not see my response and he thought he would get away with it.

However, if you troll or post obscenities to any group I run simply because you tried to pull a fast one and not ask, as others do, "Can I post that I have these comics for sales?" and so I wonder how safe it would have been to allow his "for sale" post.

This is an almost daily if not weekly occurrence on the internet and I am guessing in this case that it was Dan who got "hard" (I'll give him the benefit of a doubt).

Yes, I do have the option of making a formal complaint against this person and his Face Book account but for now I am merely recording it.

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