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Please consider supporting Comic Bits Online because it is a very rare thing in these days of company mouthpiece blogs that are only interested in selling publicity to you. With support CBO can continue its work to bring you real comics news and expand to produce the video content for this site. Money from sales of Black Tower Comics & Books helps so please consider checking out the online store.
Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 28 May 2018

It’s spring cleaning time for Blogger

At 04:00 hrs I switched off the computer and total views stood at 5,897, 300.  I switched the computer back on at 09:00 hrs and found this message:  

Blogger no longer supports OpenID. Existing OpenID comments and your OpenID settings may have changed

Hi everyone,

To make room for some exciting updates coming soon to Blogger, we’re simplifying the platform to enhance the blogging experience for all of our users.

Updates include:
- Changes to features: G+ widget integrations, OpenID, and Localization & Blogspot ccTLDS.
- Retiring features: Third Party Gadgets, Next Blog, Polls Widget, and Textcube.
- Introducing new features: HTTPS for Custom Domains, Multilogin, Spanner, Google Takeout, and Video Management.

Make sure to check out our latest blog post here to see more details on all of the changes coming to Blogger.

We realize these changes may raise some initial questions, so we wanted to address some of these questions upfront:

Q: Why are you making all of these changes now?
A: Blogger has been working hard to incorporate some exciting updates to the platform, so we thought it made sense to retire features that had very low usage and update some of our current features to coincide with these upcoming changes.

Q: Are you going to bring any of the "retired" features back?
A: At the moment, we do not plan to bring back any of the features we will be retiring. However, the team is working diligently to make sure Blogger has all of the necessary features and tools to make your blogging experience seamless - so stay tuned for more updates coming throughout 2018 and beyond!

Q: Where can I learn more about the new features coming to Blogger?
A: Make sure to check out the Blogger Blog! We'll make sure to post any important announcements there. Also, feel free to check out the Blogger Help Center for more detailed information on our tools and features.  

More questions? As always, please feel free to post here in the Blogger Help Forum.

Have a great day,
Kelly on behalf of your Blogger team

WTF?? This is how they reduced by total of 3.5 million Google+ views  Now I can only count views by month.

Everything looked okay though.  Then I saw the top of the page total...2 million had vanished. I then asked a few other bloggers who told me they had found that Blogger was now totally unreliable when it came to view counts -they had seen their total views drop by a couple hundred overnight.

These companies make changes to suit themselves and aid only money making.  The bloggers are not important.  It may take a while to see what happens but if only anonymous people can comment (?) then Comments will be turned off to prevent any abuse -I've noticed a LOT of "Unknowns" posting spam here.  As no one really comments no great loss though.

Very soon we may well have to return to printed fanzines.

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