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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 3 September 2019

Max Ernst Museum Brühl -Major Moebius Exhibition

Werk von Moebius, Arzak fliegend vor einem hohen Felsen, Nachthimmel



From 15.9.2019

From 15 September, the Max Ernst Museum Brühl of the LVR will present Germany's most extensive exhibition to date of the French cartoonist and scenarist Jean Giraud (1938-2012), who has gained international fame under the name "Mœbius". Mœbius explored the spheres of dreams and science fiction and inspired numerous films such as George Lucas, Ridley Scott or Hayao Miyazaki.
In Mœbius, the boundaries between comic strip and visual art blur. In his stories utopian architectures and futuristic megametropoles meet desert landscapes and shamanistic journeys through space and time.
The exhibition is dedicated to the extensive work of Mœbius in thematically structured areas: starting from basic ideas in his notebooks ("Carnets") on colored drawings, comic sequences, abstract paintings to popular prints and objects, the spectrum of his drawing art is expanded.
The retrospective "Mœbius" with around 450 works was created in close cooperation with Mœbius Production. Accompanying appears a catalog with over 240 illustrations.

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